AOSTE - 2015
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry
Overall Objectives
New Software and Platforms
Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Labs


Associate Team involved in the International Lab:

  • Title: Formal Models and tools for Cyber-Physical Systems

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • ECNU (China) - Artificial Intelligence Lab - Jifeng He

  • Start year: 2015

  • See also: https://project.inria.fr/fm4cps/

  • The FM4CPS Associated team is tighly linked to the Saccades LIAMA project. It is also involved in the International Key Laboratory on Trustworthy Computing by ECNU Shanghai on the Chinese side.

    FM4CPS addresses several facets of Formal Model-Driven Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems and Internet of Things. The design of such large heterogeneous systems calls for hybrid modeling, and the combination of classes of models, most previously well-established in their own restricted area: Formal Models of Computations drawn from Concurrency Theory for the “cyber” discrete processors, timed extension and continuous behaviors for physical environments, requirement models and user constraints extended to non-functional aspects, new challenges for designing and analyzing large and highly dynamic communicating software entities. Orchestration and comparison of models, with their expressive power vs. their decidable aspects, shall be considered with the point of view of hybrid/heterogeneous modeling here. Main aspects are the various timing or quantitative structure extensions relying for instance on a hybrid logical clock model for the orchestration of underlying components.

    The associated team aims at various level of research, from formal models, semantics, or complexity, to experimental tools development. This will start for example on one side with building a formal orchestration model for CPSs, based on an hybrid clock model that combine discrete and physical time, synchronous and asynchronous computations or communications. Another goal will be the study of expressiveness and decidability for CPS, based on dedicated sub-families of well-structured push-down systems, addressing both unbounded communication and time-sensitive models.